"Knowing our own values is foundational to our ability to boldly step forward and bravely speak the unspoken."

This quote comes from Karen Kimsey-House, CEO and Co-Founder of The Coaches Training Institute (CTI). In a Forbes article she talks about the importance of knowing and aligning yourself to your personal values. In The Resilience Way we focus on the need to have values clarity as this becomes a critical rudder during tough times. When you have to make decisions and you are feeling overwhelmed and anxious, knowing your values will give your decision making a frame or some boundaries and help you make decisions that work for you. As I moved through the struggle of my late husband’s cancer journey and the subsequent loss of this amazing man, my values held fast and let me feel as comfortable as possible with my own journey. When I look back now I know that values clarity was a critical part of my resilience.

Read the Forbes interview with Karen Kimsey-House…


And read more about all of the Elements of Resilience in The Resilience Way….