The Resilience Way™

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What's Your Vision? Does it Make You Resilient?

Resilient people have a clear idea of where they are headed in life. They know what matters to them and what they want to accomplish. When difficulties arise they can adjust their plans but they still know their long-term direction. This Personal Clarity is essential to becoming and remaining resilient. To establish this element means having a clear picture of who you are, what you want in your life, and how you plan to achieve your ultimate goals.  When you understand your values, you can notice when situations are not in line with them and react accordingly.  Your vision, the ultimate picture of what you want to achieve in your life, must also be clear so you can be and remain aligned to this vision.  You also need a clear set of personal goals with pre-planned steps that move you toward your vision.  Without this personal clarity, you will be pulled in directions that clash with your goals and values, and in tough times, you will have a hard time making good decisions. 

Learn more by reading The Resilience Way.